Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Your Mother Knits Socks in Hell

That's right folks, I'm going to need an intervention, or as the lovely Carolin put it earlier, a positivist exorcism. She reckoned that Anita would be only too happy to help. Séamas could probably be called in for a spot of heavy lifting, if required.

Sweet Jesus, people... I've mentioned the sense of alienation and feeling like a complete outsider before, but I have just spent 3 hours undergoing the most immense cognitive dissonance I have ever experienced IN MY LIFE! (and I've had two kids, and all my illusions of being an Earth Mother shattered when the reality of children failed to meet my vaguely hippy expectations)

I've been listening to a very well-respected man lead a seminar on Quality Improvement and here are some of the more memorable quotes...
"he said 'in my experience'... pure subjective recall... he just made it up!"
"if you're an experienced practitioner, something happens in your brain, [sarcastically] you're touched by the hand of God... 'I know the right thing to do and this guarantees the best possible outcome'"
"If I know the algorithm and the seed point, I can tell you exactly what's going to happen"

I'm railing against it now, but this is only Day 1 of a three-day course. Next week, I'm sitting in on another two-day course and the following week, there's a full five days. I'm either going to end up as a drooling, gibbering vegetable (back to the cabbage analogy) or I'm going to crack under the pressure and start talking. Now, to be honest, I don't think that this is really the right time or place for me to present an alternative view, i.e. mine, but what if I can't help myself? They'll think I'm a cabbage and have me committed anyway.

More on this later. Perhaps.

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